This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Acts No. 23/2015 and 19/2023 - documents submitted for Royal Assent'.

Our ref: T24/220 
Tyler Hu 
Dear Mr Hu 
Freedom of information request no. 13-2025 

The purpose of this letter is to give you a decision about access to documents that you 
requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). 

You requested access to documents relating to the Succession to the Crown Act 2015 
and the Home Affairs Act 2023 on 30 August 2024. Specifically you sought access to: 
“Documents submitted to the Governor-General for royal assent to the Succession to 
the Crown Act 2015 and the Home Affairs Act 2023 (including the certificate from 
either the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the President of the Senate, and 
the certificate signed by the Attorney-General recommending assent).” 
Decision and reasons for decision 

I, Stephen Campbell, General Manager Corporate, am an officer authorised under 
subsection 23(1) of the FOI Act to make decisions in relation to FOI requests. 

In response to your request, copies of the Royal Assent certificates from the Attorney 
General to the Governor General and from the President of the Senate to the Governor 
General are attached.  

I have taken the following material into account in making my decision: 
The content of the documents that fall within scope of your request; 
The FOI Act; and  
The guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under 
section 93A of the FOI Act. 

Please note, this request will be published on OPC’s disclosure log within 10 working 
days after the day you are given access to this document. 
28 Sydney Avenue  Forrest  ACT  2603 
Locked Bag 30 Kingston ACT 2604 • Telephone (02) 6120 1400 • Fax (02) 6120 1403 • ABN 41 425 630 817 

Your review rights 

If you are dissatisfied with the information provided, you may apply for internal 
review or Information Commissioner for a review. We encourage you to seek internal review 
as a first step as it may provide a more rapid resolution of your concerns. 
Internal review 

Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you may apply for an internal review of my 
decision. Your application must be made within 30 days after the date of this letter. 

An internal review will be conducted by a different officer. No particular form is 
required to apply for review although it will assist your case to set out in the application the 
grounds on which you believe that the original decision should be overturned. An application 
for a review of the decision should be lodged in one of the following ways: 
post:  FOI Coordinator, Locked Bag 30, Kingston ACT 2604 
If you choose to seek an internal review, you will subsequently have a right to apply 
for Information Commissioner review of the internal review decision. 
Information Commissioner review 
Under section 54L of the FOI Act, you may apply to the Australian Information 
Commissioner to review my decision. An application for review by the Information 
Commissioner must be made in writing within 60 days after the date of this letter, and be 
lodged in one of the following ways: 
post:  GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 
More information about Information Commissioner review is available at
FOI Complaints 
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your FOI request, please let us 
know what we could have done better. We may be able to rectify the problem. If you are not 
satisfied with our response, you can make a complaint to the Australian Information 
Commissioner. A complaint to the Information Commissioner must be made in writing. 
Complaints can be lodged in one of the following ways: 
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post:  GPO Box 5218 Sydney 2001 
More information about complaints is available at
If you are not sure whether to lodge an Information Commissioner review or an 
Information Commissioner complaint, more information is available at 
Yours sincerely 
Stephen Campbell 
General Manager Corporate 
23 September 2024 
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