This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'FOI Disclosure Log - FOI 23/24-1198, FOI 23/24-1092, FOI 23/24-0201, FOI 23/24-1051'.

FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
3. Procedure 
3.1  Do I use the UTC or UTP procedure? 
  If you are unable to contact the participant and you do not know why, refer to 
Standard Operating Procedure – Unable to contact. 
 If 
know the circumstances around why you are unable to contact the participant 
and/or progress with planning, for example a family member lets you know they are 
in hospital, go to 3.2 Circumstances where you may be unable to progress with 
1.  If the circumstance means that you are unable to progress with planning, continue to 3.3 
Update the application Sub Status. 
3.2  Circumstances where you may be unable to progress with planning 
There are circumstances where you may be unable to progress with planning or the review of 
the participant’s plan. For example, if the participant: 
  is in hospital 
-  refer to a Health Liaison Officer 
 is 
-  refer to Our Guideline – Justice system (external) for circumstances where 
planning would still occur when a participant is incarcerated 
-  refer to a Justice Liaison Officer 
  has complex support needs 
-  refer to Complex Support Needs 
  has disengaged from the NDIS or their providers of support and the participant has 
indicated they want to cease their NDIS plan 
-  refer to Standard Operating Procedure – Cease the Participant Status. 
3.3  Update the application Sub Status 
Note: When you update the Sub Status during plan review you need to update two 
applications. You need to update the In Progress review application and the current 
Approved application. 
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Unable to progress a participant 
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FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
1.  Update the application Sub Status
2.  The System will display the available Unable to Progress Sub Status options, 
depending where the application is in the Pathway. Only select Unable to Progress 
Sub Status options. 
Choose the Sub Status option most closely aligned with the current status of the 
application. For example, if you know the participant is out of the country, deceased or 
incarcerated you can select the Sub Status that reflects the situation. 
3.  Once the Sub Status is chosen, select OK 
4.  Success message will appear. Select OK 
3.4  Reassign the application 
1.  Search for and select the participant. 
2.  Select Pathway
3.  The NDIS Account screen displays. Select the current In-Progress application or the 
current Approved application. 
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FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
4.  Select Action (double arrows). 
5.  Select Re-assign
6.  For short term UTP reassign the application to a jurisdictional CRM inbox in the System. 
Search for jurisdictional inbox by typing SDS in the search field. All the inboxes will 
display. Select the UTP inbox for your jurisdiction and select Assign
7.  For long term UTP, reassign the application to the SDS AU UTP National Unable to 
Progress CRM inbox. Select Assign
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FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
3.4.1  Create a Contact attempt Interaction 
1.  Search for and select the participant. 
2.  The NDIS Account screen displays. Select Add Items
3.  Select Interaction from the menu options. 
4.  Use Interaction Templates – General - Contact attempt to record the interaction. 
  Status – Open 
  Notes – Add the circumstances of why the participant is unable to progress and the 
estimated duration. 
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FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
5.  Select Assign
6.  Assign the interaction to same inbox you assigned the application to. 
7.  The Team Responsible is updated. Select Submit
8.  The Success message appears. Select OK 
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FOI 23/24-1092
Standard Operating Procedure 
For Internal Use Only 
4. Appendices 
4.1  When are automated System extensions applied to plans? 
The System will apply a 365 day System extension to the plan if it has not been replaced by a 
new plan prior to the scheduled review date. The intention of the System extension is to give 
the participant continued access to funded supports until a plan review is undertaken. It does 
not replace the requirement for a plan review to occur. 
Important: This is not a plan extension but a System extension. The System extension will 
continue to be applied until the plan is replaced by a new plan. 
When an automated extension has been applied, you must undertake a plan review as soon 
as possible. 
The plan will appear on reporting for expired plans. Operational reporting will also include 
reporting on the number of times a System extension occurs. 
A System extension will not generate any correspondence to the participant or providers 
relating to the plan, as a new plan has not come into effect. A message will display on the 
myplace participant and provider portal to advise of the automatic extension and that service 
bookings have been extended. Providers will need to manually adjust the service booking to 
include the appropriate funding for the extension period. 
5.  Related procedures or resources 
  Standard Operating Procedure – Unable to contact 
  Guide to Interactions in the NDIS Business System 
  Practice Guide – Assisting Communication 
  Standard Operating Procedure – Assign an Application Sub Status 
  Standard CRM Inbox Structure – Service Delivery and Performance 
  Interaction Templates – General 
  Standard Operating Procedure – View an Extension or Indexation in the System 
  Practice Guide – Scheduled Plan Reviews 
6. Feedback 
If you have any feedback about this Standard Operating Procedure please complete our 
Feedback Form 
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