This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Executive Order that Established the NIAA'.

Notice of Decision 
REQUEST BY:  Deborah-May Torrens  
Freedom of Information Act 1982 
Dear Deborah-May, 
Freedom of information request ref. FOI/2425/003 
1.  The purpose of this letter is to give you a decision about access to the document that you requested from the 
National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).  
2.  I am an officer authorised by the NIAA’s Chief Executive Officer under section 23(1) of the FOI Act to make 
decisions in relation to FOI requests. 
Number of documents that fall within the scope of your request 

Number of documents to be released to you in full 

Number of documents to be released to you in part 

Number of documents exempt from release in full 

Time frames 
3.  On 12 July 2024, you requested access to a document in the following terms: 
“Under the FOI Act 1982, I am contacting You to requesting a copy of the Executive Order signed by the 
Governor-General at the time, Quentin Bryce, on the twenty-nineth day on the Month of May, in the year 
two-thousand and nineteen (or "29 May 2019") which established the National Indigenous Australians 

NIAA | Freedom of Information 


4.  On 23 July 2024, the NIAA acknowledged your request and provided you a link to Federal Register of 
Legislation where the Executive Order C2019G00474 to Establish the National Indigenous Australians Agency 
as an Executive Agency from 1 July 2019, signed by HE Peter Cosgrove on 29 May 2019, is publicly available. 
You were requested to confirm if this publicly available version of Executive Order C2019G00474 was the 
document you are interested in and whether you wished to proceed with your request. The NIAA did not 
receive a response from you in this regard. 
5.  A decision in relation to your request is due on 12 August 2024. 
Document searches 
6.  The NIAA has undertaken searches of relevant agency document management systems for the document 
within the scope of your request. 
Material taken into account 
7.  I have taken the following material into account in making my decision 
  the terms of your request  
  the acknowledgement sent to you  
  document searches undertaken by NIAA advisers 
  the content of the document identified as within scope of your request 
  the FOI Act, and 
  Guidelines made by the Australian Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act (FOI 
8.  I have identified 1 document which I consider to be within the scope of your request. I have decided to grant access to 
this document in full. 
9.  Your rights to seek review under the FOI Act or submit a complaint are set out in Attachment A to this notice. 
Access to documents 
10. The document released to you is attached
NIAA | Freedom of Information | Notice of Decision 


Questions about this decision 
11. If you have any questions about this notice or NIAA’s FOI process, please contact the NIAA’s FOI Coordinator 
Freedom of Information Coordinator 
National Indigenous Australians Agency 
GPO Box 2191  
Canberra ACT 2601 
Yours sincerely 
Ameet Jamble 
Branch Manager 
Office of the CEO 
8 August 2024
NIAA | Freedom of Information | Notice of Decision 


NIAA | Freedom of Information | Notice of Decision