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FOI-3 23/24-0616
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only
The contents of this document are OFFICIAL. 
Review the escalation and prioritisation matrix 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinatorearly childhood partner and all 
NDIA staff (planner delegatepayments officerinternal review delegatecomplaints 
officerparticipant support officeraccess delegatetechnical advisorsNational 
Contact Centreliaison officers (HLO/JLO)complex support needs (CSN) planner
national reassessment delegate) to: 
• record the risk level and type within PACE
• use the escalation and prioritisation matrix.
Recent updates 
October 2023 
Current guidance. 
Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
• the NDIS Complaints and Feedback Framework (DOCX 486KB)
• what the Complaints and Participant Incidents Team is responsible for
• article Understand compliments, feedback and complaints
• article Create a feedback and complaints case
Record the risk level and type within PACE 
When you create or update a Feedback and Complaints case, you wil  need to assess the 
Risk and Risk Type at the Complaints Categorisation screen of a Feedback and 
Complaints case.You can assess the Risk and Risk Type using the escalation and 
prioritisation matrix below. 
The Risk and Risk Type indicate the required resolution timeframe. Once the case is 
submitted, the complaint case wil  be routed accordingly. To learn more about how different 
complaints levels are routed, go to article Understand compliments, feedback and complaints. 
You can record the Risk and Risk Type at the Complaints Categorisation screen in a 
Feedback and Complaints case. For more information, go to article Record a complaint in a 
feedback and complaints case. 
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FOI-3 23/24-0616
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
Use the escalation and prioritisation matrix 
The following information wil  help you understand the escalation and prioritisation matrix. 
There are 10 types of risk you can input within PACE: 
•  Risk of harm to the health or well-being of a person 
•  Instability of accommodation arrangements of a person 
•  Instability in the care arrangements of a person 
•  Risk associated with the nature of the person's disability 
•  Risk associated with the availability of supports 
•  Risk of inaccurate media report is uncorrected 
•  Risk that the NDIA is seen as unresponsive to stakeholder and participant concerns 
•  Risk to the Ministers' confidence in the NDIA's responsiveness 
•  Risk of adverse finding by government stakeholder 
•  Deterioration of key relationship (Jurisdiction, Ombudsman, court, tribunal). 
For each Risk Type, you wil  need to assess the Risk as low, medium, high or extreme. This 
assessment wil  help you to determine the timeframe in which you must respond to and 
resolve a complaint. For: 
•  Low risk, the timeframe for contact or a response is 2 days, and for a resolution is 
15 days 
•  Medium Risk, the timeframe for contact or a response is one day, and for a 
resolution is 15 days 
•  High Risk, the timeframe for contact or a response is the same day (or as 
specified), and for a resolution is 10 days (or as specified) 
•  Extreme risk, the timeframe for contact or a response is 2 hours (or as specified), 
and for a resolution is 10 days (or as specified). 
For feedback and complaints, you need to understand: 
•  Contact is when you make contact with the participant (or their authorised 
representative) to talk about and confirm escalation 
•  A Response is when you provide an update on the next steps and timeframes to the 
complainant. This may or may not be that the matter is finalised or resolved, for 
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FOI-3 23/24-0616
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
example Minister or Member of Parliament, Ombudsman, State Ministry. Specified 
timeframes apply to Ministerial or Ombudsman responses 
•  A Resolution means the matter is either completely finished, the safety risk has 
been mitigated or the next steps are clear or in progress. 
Risk of harm to the health or well-being of a person 
Low risk 
Absence of support or action is contributing to a general risk of harm. 
Medium Risk  
Absence of support or action is contributing to a medium-term risk of harm. 
High Risk 
Absence of support or action is contributing to a short-term risk of harm. 
Extreme risk 
Absence of support or action is contributing to an immediate risk of harm. 
Instability of accommodation arrangements of a person 
Low risk 
The participant has a generalised risk of homelessness or inappropriate housing solution and 
the NDIA has a role in working with State services to rectify. 
Medium Risk  
The participant is at risk of homelessness or inappropriate housing solution in the medium-
term and the NDIA has a role in working with State services to rectify. 
High Risk 
The participant is at risk of homelessness or inappropriate housing solution in the short-term 
and the NDIA has a role in working with State services to rectify. 
Extreme risk 
The participant is at risk of immediate homelessness and the NDIA has a role in working with 
State services to rectify. 
Instability in the care arrangements of a person 
Low risk 
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FOI-3 23/24-0616
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
There is a risk of family or informal care breakdown and support may prevent such a 
Medium Risk 
Absence of supports is contributing to family or informal care breakdown or such breakdown 
could be prevented by timely inclusion of supports. 
High Risk 
Absence of supports is contributing to family or informal care breakdown or such breakdown 
could be prevented by rapid inclusion of supports. 
Extreme risk 
Absence of supports is contributing to an immediate risk of family or informal care breakdown. 
Risk associated with the nature of the person's disability 
Low risk 
Absence or lack of certainty of continuation of supports is likely to contribute to deterioration or 
Medium Risk 
Absence or lack of certainty of continuation of supports is contributing to deterioration or 
progression of condition. 
High Risk 
Absence of support is contributing to existing deterioration or progression of condition. 
Extreme risk 
Absence of support is contributing to existing rapid deterioration or progression of condition. 
Risk associated with the availability of supports 
Low risk 
The plan wil  expire or funds wil  be exhausted within two weeks so that critical supports can’t 
be accessed. 
Medium Risk 
The plan wil  expire or funds wil  be exhausted within a week so that critical supports can’t be 
High Risk 
The plan is about to expire or funds exhausted so that supports that are immediately needed 
can’t be accessed. 
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SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
Extreme risk 
The plan has expired or funds exhausted so that critical supports that are immediately needed 
can’t be accessed. 
Risk of inaccurate media report is uncorrected 
Low risk 
Where the NDIA has given an undertaking to contact and resolve in timeframe. 
Medium Risk 
Where there has been a request from a news outlet with a credible story OR where the NDIA 
has given an undertaking to contact and resolve in timeframe. 
High Risk 
Where there has been a request from a news outlet with broad coverage OR where a potential 
story can be prevented by timely intervention by the NDIA. 
Extreme risk 
Where the Minister or NDIA wil  be engaging with the media, or there is a story already with 
broad coverage that is building momentum. 
Risk that NDIA is seen as unresponsive to stakeholder and participant concerns 
Low risk 
Where there is the potential for stakeholder tension if the NDIA does not acknowledge in a 
timely way. 
Medium Risk 
Where an issue could potentially gain traction but can be prevented by timely intervention by 
the NDIA. 
High Risk 
Where an issue could potentially gain traction but can be prevented by rapid intervention by 
the NDIA. 
Extreme risk 
Where an issue is currently known and a lack of response from the NDIA wil  exacerbate 
Risk to the Ministers' confidence in the NDIA's responsiveness 
Low risk
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SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
Where the Minister’s Office (MO), Assistant Minister’s Office (AMO) or Members and Senators 
Contact Office (MaSCO) has requested informal or formal advice. 
Medium Risk 
Where the MO, AMO or MaSCO has requested informal or formal advice having identified 
specific sensitivities. 
High Risk 
Where the MO or AMO have identified specific sensitivities with short timeframes (e.g. 
Ministerial meeting). 
Extreme risk 
Where the MO or AMO have identified specific sensitivities with extreme timeframes (e.g. 
Question Time Brief (QBT) or parliamentary or media appearance). 
Risk of adverse finding by government stakeholder 
Low risk 
Where a failure to respond or act would affect the NDIA's ability to provide general information 
in an effective way. 
Medium Risk 
Where a failure to respond or act would affect the NDIA's ability to provide pertinent 
information in an effective way. 
High Risk 
Where a failure to respond or act in the timeframe would prevent the NDIA providing critical 
Extreme risk 
Where a failure to respond or act in the timeframe would lead to the NDIA breaching mandated 
Deterioration of key relationship (Jurisdiction, Ombudsman, court, tribunal) 
Low risk 
Where a failure to respond or act would prevent the NDIA effectively engaging with the 
Medium Risk 
Where a failure to respond or act would be seen as disrespectful to the role of the stakeholder. 
High Risk 
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