This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Adecco Contract CN3923195'.

FOI 1001/23/24
James Smith
Dear James,
I refer to your request for access to the following documents, in the possession of the
Department of Defence (Defence) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act). 
I am an officer authorised under section 23(1) of the FOI Act to make decisions in relation to FOI 
I believe that due to its size, the work involved in processing your request in its current form would 
substantially, and unreasonably divert the resources of this agency from its other operations. On this 
basis, I intend to refuse your request. This is called a ‘practical refusal reason’ (section 24AA). Before 
I make a final decision, you have an opportunity to revise your request. This is called a ‘request 
consultation process’ as set out under section 24AB of the FOI Act. You have 14 days to respond to 
this notice in one of the ways set out below.
Reason for Intending to Refuse Your Request
In your request, you sought documents relating to:
Please provide a copy of Defence Force Recruiting - Recruiting Services Contract between 
Department of Defence and Adecco Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 91 006 253 336) contract ID 
CN3923195 Agency Reference ID:4600042630 dated around October or November 2022, 
including all and any annexures, appendices, attachments and the like. 

Costing/profit information can be redacted however all other information and materials should 
be provided.

For the purpose of providing this notice, I have considered whether processing your request would 
be unreasonable. I consider that processing your request, as it currently stands, would be 
unreasonable as it would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the agency from its 
other operations.
Section 24(1) of the FOI Act provides that an agency may refuse to give access to documents in 
accordance with an FOI request if: 

a practical refusal reason exists in relation to the request; and 

following a request consultation process under section 24AB of the FOI Act, the agency is 
satisfied that the practical refusal reason still exists. 

Section 24AA(1)(a)(i) of the FOI Act provides that a practical refusal reason exists in relation to an FOI 
request if the work involved in processing the request would substantially and unreasonably divert 
the resources of the department from its other operations. 
I find that a significant amount of resources would have to be diverted to arrange for the required 
searches to be undertaken, to then review any documents that were identified as being possibly 
relevant to your request, and finally, to undertake the decision making process on any documents 
that did meet the parameters of your request. This assessment is because: 
Under the current scope, the volume of information that Defence holds is estimated to be in the 
thousands of pages. Preliminary searches for documents relevant to the Adecco Recruiting Services 
Contract and its annexes have revealed that Defence holds more than 57 files (some with hundreds 
of pages) that would need to be reviewed for commercial sensitivities and confidential information. 
The Adecco contract itself contains 4500 pages, which using a conservative 2 minutes to review each 
page, would take one full time staff member 150 hours, or 4 weeks, to consider this document and 
its annexes. As such, it has been estimated that the relevant team would be required to divert 
resources from its usual operations for a period of one month to review all documents that have 
been identified as potentially in scope of this request.  
Request Consultation Process 
You now have an opportunity to revise your request to enable Defence to process it.  
Revising your request can mean narrowing the scope of the request to make it more manageable or 
explaining in more detail the information you wish to access. For example, by providing more specific 
information about exactly what you are interested in, Defence will be able to pinpoint the 
information more quickly and avoid using excessive resources to process information you are not 
interested in.  
Before the end of the consultation period, you must do one of the following, in writing:  
x  Withdraw your request;  
x  Make a revised request; or 
x  Tell us that you do not wish to revise your request.  
The consultation period starts on the day after you receive this notice and ends on 10 July 2024. 
During this period, you are welcome to seek assistance from the contact person I have listed below 
to revise your request. If you revise your request in a way that adequately addresses the practical 
refusal reason outlined above, we will recommence processing. (Please note that the time taken to 
consult you regarding the scope of your request is not taken into account for the purposes of the 30 
day time limit for processing your request.) 
In your consideration of submitting a revised request, you may like to consider what areas of the 
contract you are interested in.  
If you do not do one of the three things listed above during the consultation period or you do not 
consult the contact person during this period, your request will be taken to have been withdrawn. 

Contact Officer  
If you would to revise your request or have any questions, the contact officer for your request is:  
Freedom of Information Case Manager 
Yours sincerely,  
anna.whi Digitally signed by 
Date: 2024.06.25 
17:13:17 +10'00'
Anna Whipp   
Assistant Secretary  
HR Business Partners  
Department of Defence  
Russell Offices  
R1-05-A PO Box 7910  
Canberra BC ACT 2610 
25 June 2024