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FOI Requests
Freedom of Information request - Finance AoG decisions re: ASIC (23-24/034 follow ups)
Wednesday, 5 June 2024 12:17:39 AM
Dear Department of Finance,
Please disclose:
1. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 1
2. ASIC statements referred to in FOI 23-24/034 Document 1 [2(c)]
3. Any documents not exemptable under s 42 that relate to the subject matter of FOI 23-24/034 Document 1 [13] (ASIC's potential inability to use CDDA)
4. Documents other than RMG 401 that talk to the appropriateness of granting an AoG application for an omission of an NCE (cf an act of an NCE in FOI 23-24/034 Document 1 [12(a)]
5. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 2
6. Any documents not exemptable under s 42 that relate to the subject matter of FOI 23-24/034 Document 2 [4(a)], including the relevance of ASIC Act s 11
7. Attachment C to FOI 23-24/034 Document 2
8. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 3
9. Attachment C to FOI 23-24/034 Document 3
10. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 4
11. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 5
12. Attachment A to FOI 23-24/034 Document 6
Regarding (2), (7), and (9), if DoF attempts a blanket redaction such as s 47E, I will fight you on the beaches. ASIC are generally incompetent, are known across the Commonwealth to be generally incompetent, are the subject of many parliamentary inquiries aimed at their lack of competence, and are otherwise a stain on the reputation of the executive branch of government. It is manifestly in the public interest to see the supposedly valid bases ASIC uses to defend itself from AoG claims.
Personal information of non-SES (excl a/SES) is excluded. Personal information of third parties, narrowly construed, is excluded. Legal advice, where it was authored by someone on the roll of a supreme court and the entire document is a legal advice, is excluded.
Corporations cannot possess personal information and their details cannot be exempt on this basis. If John Smith forms John Smith Pty Ltd, they are, at law, separate legal entities with no relationship. The FOI Act and/or Privacy Act does not stitch together what the Corporations Act has bifurcated.
Yours faithfully,
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