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Our reference: FOI23/24-1367 
2 July 2024 
Rob Stewart 
By email: 
Dear Rob Stewart 
Freedom of Information request - Request consultation process 
Thank you for your correspondence of 20 June 2024, in which you requested access under 
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to documents held by the National Disability 
Insurance Agency (NDIA). 
Processing timeframes  
A 30-day statutory period for processing your request commenced from 21 June 2024, in 
accordance with section 15(5)(b) of the FOI Act. Therefore the due date for a decision on 
access is 22 July 2024.   
This period may be extended if we need to consult with third parties or for other reasons. We 
wil  advise you if this happens.  
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to engage in a request consultation process on the 
scope of your request, in order to avoid a section 24AA practical refusal. The Agency 
submits that this consultation is required as the scope of your request is currently too broad 
to process. 
Scope of your request 
You have requested access to the fol owing documents held by the NDIA: 
I seek any and all documents relating to any programs, initiatives or pilots that relate to the 
particular subject matter of austerity measures - for example, cost cutting. Sustainability is 
not a good keyword to use to search. The initiatives are likely to be the use of the Disabled 
Support for Older Adults program as a pilot to test cost cutting in the NDIS, or the use of 
stated supports in some areas. I am looking for any evidence that the NDIA has previously 
implemented changes to the NDIS that have impacted on choice and control for people with 
disability and reduced their supports and services. 
Practical refusal reason 
In its current form, your request does not provide enough information about the documents 
you are seeking as is reasonably necessary to al ow us to identify them. 
1 Section 24AA of the FOI Act. 

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On this basis, I intend to refuse your request. However, before I make a final decision, I am 
writing to provide you with an opportunity to revise your request. 
Why I intend to refuse your request  
I am writing to advise you that your request does not satisfy section 15(2)(b) of the FOI Act, 
as the terms of your request are too broad, therefore and we are unable to identify the 
specific documents sought by you. We now seek further information from you about the 
documents you are requesting access to. 
I note in your email of 20 June 2024 that you stated that “sustainability is not a good keyword 
search” and I advise that equally “austerity measures” is equally too broad for the agency to 
commence searches for documents. You also refer to programs or initiatives “that have 
impacted on choice and control….”.  However, I note this is subjective and open to 
interpretation, it is also not a searchable scope but rather appears as a request for the FOI 
team to investigate, interpret and provide outcomes.  This is not the role of the FOI process. 
I acknowledge that it is the agency’s requirement to assist an applicant to rectify their scope 
issues. However, there is an expectation that an applicant clearly describes the documents 
they want to access, to allow a decision maker to identify the documents, and for the agency 
to be able to conduct searches for the documents. Regarding your scope, in its current form, 
you are asking the agency to identify programs or initiatives rather than seeking access to 
information about specific programs or initiatives. 
Request consultation process 
You now have an opportunity to revise your request to enable it to proceed. 
Revising your request can mean narrowing the scope of the request to make it more 
manageable or explaining in more detail the documents you wish to access. For example, by 
providing more specific information about exactly what documents you are interested in, the 
NDIA wil  be able to pinpoint the documents more quickly and avoid using excessive 
resources to process documents you are not interested in. 
To assist you further with clarifying your scope, is there a particular program or initiative you 
would like to refer to as the subject matter of your scope. I note that I am not aware of the 
‘Disabled Support for Older Adults program’ referenced by you below, however if you want to 
use this as your scope, we can potentially conduct an agency search and advise if such a 
program exists, and then further refine to ensure specificity. Alternatively, there may be a 
program or programs you are aware of that you can specify to assist the agency in locating 
As part of the consultation process, you have 14 days from the date you receive this letter to 
contact me and do one of the following: 
a.  withdraw your request 
b.  make a revised request 
c.  indicate that you do not wish to revise the request. 
During this period, you are welcome to seek assistance to revise your request. If you revise 
your request in a way that adequately addresses the practical refusal reason outlined above, 
we wil  recommence processing it. 
Please note that the time taken to consult with you regarding the scope of your request is not 
taken into account for the purposes of the timeframe for processing your request. 
2 Section 24AB of the FOI Act 


You can contact me by email at 
Alternatively, you can reply in writing to the following address:  
  Freedom of Information Section 
Government, Risk & Legal – Complaints Management 
General Counsel Division 
National Disability Insurance Agency 
GPO Box 700 
CANBERRA   ACT   2601 
If you do not contact me within this period, that is by 16 July 2024, your FOI request wil  be 
taken to have been withdrawn under subsection 24AB(7) and wil  not be dealt with any 
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 
Yours sincerely 
Senior Freedom of Information Officer 
Government, Risk & Legal – Complaints Management and FOI 
General Counsel Division