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Request for Access to Documents  
Under Section 13 of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 
Please read this fact sheet before completing the attached application form 
The South Australian Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) gives you a legal right to 
request access to any documents held by any ‘agency’ that the FOI Act applies to. An 
‘agency’ includes South Australian State Government Agencies, Local Government Councils 
and South Australian Universities.  
Applications for access to documents must be made in writing in accordance with Section 13 
of the FOI Act and be lodged with the agency that holds the documents e.g. if you are seeking 
to access police records, you would lodge your application with the South Australia Police.  
You can use the attached form to make an application to access documents or the online FOI 
application form at  
Alternatively, you can send a letter or email to the agency that holds the documents. 
Requesting Access to Documents 
When making an FOI application, you will need to provide enough information to enable the 
correct documents to be identified.  If you are uncertain, it is recommended that you contact 
the relevant agency’s FOI Officer for assistance e.g. South Australia Police for police records. 
If you are seeking documents relating to your own personal affairs, you may be asked to 
provide proof of your identity.  If you are seeking access to documents on behalf of another 
person relating to their personal affairs, you may be asked to provide written consent signed 
by that person. 
Access to documents can be provided in different ways, depending on how the information is 
stored. The different ways you can access documents include: 
•  inspecting documents 
•  requesting a copy of documents 
•  hearing and viewing audio and video tapes. 
Advice about how you would like to access the documents should be included in your FOI 
How much does a FOI application cost? 
There is a $40.75 FOI application fee that must be paid to the agency that holds the 
documents at the time you lodge your application. 
Processing charges may also be applicable.  The agency will advise you of these charges once 
it receives your application and begins processing it. 
Generally, agencies accept payment by cash, money order or cheque.  The online FOI 
application form allows for payment by credit card for FOI applications to state government 
agencies and is available at
Further information about fees and charges applicable under the FOI Act can be found in the 
Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2018 and the annual Fees Notice
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What if I have a concession card or can’t afford to pay? 
If you are the holder of a current concession card, or if you can satisfy the agency that the 
payment of the fee or charge would cause financial hardship, the agency must waive or remit 
(reduce or refund) the application fee.   
If you are a concession cardholder you will need to provide the agency with evidence.  For 
example, you can attach a copy of your concession card to your completed FOI application 
form.  Alternatively, you will need to provide written reasons why the payment of a fee or 
charge would cause you financial hardship. 
Processing Requests for Access to Documents 
After receiving your application, the agency is required to deal with it in accordance with the 
requirements of the FOI Act and provide you with a written decision.  This is called a Notice 
of Determination.  The Notice of Determination will include the agency’s decision in relation 
to your request and, if access has been refused in full or in part, the reasons why this has 
occurred.   The agency will advise you of your rights of review and appeal if you are unhappy 
with their determination. 
In accordance with Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045, where documents are provided as a 
result of an FOI application for access to non-personal information, details of the application, 
and the documents to which access is given, may be published in the agency’s disclosure log.  
A copy of PC045 can be found on the DPC website. 
How long will it take? 
A request for access will be dealt with as soon as practicable, or within 30 calendar days of it 
being received. 
In certain circumstances the agency may extend the timeframe for dealing with your 
application under section 14A of the FOI Act.  The agency will advise you within 20 calendar 
days if an extension is necessary, and why. 
If the agency has not extended the timeframe for dealing with your application and you do not 
receive a determination within 30 calendar days, the legislation deems that the agency has 
refused your application.  If this is the case, you are entitled to lodge an application for 
review.  For further information you should speak to the FOI Officer at the agency you lodged 
your FOI application with. 
Access to documents by Members of Parliament  
A Member of the South Australian Parliament who applies for access to a document held by a 
State Government Agency, Local Government Council or University is entitled to access the 
document without charge unless the work generated by the application involves fees and 
charges totalling more than $1,000. 
Further information 
For questions specifically related to your application, contact the agency that holds the 
documents you wish to access, and ask for the agency’s FOI Officer or Unit. 
If you want more information about how FOI operates in South Australia, please visit 
You can also download a free copy of the Freedom of Information Act 1991, Freedom of 
Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2018
, and Fees Notice from the South 
Australian legislation website at 
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Request for Access to Documents 
Under Section 13 of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 
Please read the attached ‘FOI Fact Sheet  – Request for Access to Documents’  
before completing and lodging your application  
Agency Details 
Name of the Agency you are seeking to access documents from
Details of Applicant 
Given Names: 
Australian Postal Address: 
Suburb:                                                                          Post Code: 
Email (optional)
Contact phone numbers: 
Details of documents being requested 
(Describe  the  documents  you  are  seeking  to  access.    If  you  are  applying  for  access  to  personal  information  please  provide  enough 
information to assist with identification of documents, eg date of birth, previous names etc. Attach more pages if you cannot fit all of the 
information in this box.) 

Do the documents you have described above contain information about your personal affairs?  
YES / NO (cross out whichever does not apply) 
Form of Access 
(place a tick in the most appropriate boxes) 
I wish to inspect the documents  
 Yes 
 No 
I require a copy of the documents 
 Yes 
 No 
I require access in another form 
 Yes 
 No (If yes please specify below) 
Specify other form of access here if applicable, e.g transcript of a recorded document. 
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Fees and Charges 
An application fee of $40.75 must be submitted with the completed application form, unless you 
are seeking to have the application fee waived.  If you are seeking to have the application fee 
waived, please attach evidence supporting why it should be waived e.g. attach a copy of your 
concession card or other evidence as proof of financial hardship. 
In the following section please tick as appropriate  
Is the application fee attached? 
 Yes 
 No 
Application fee is in the form of 
 Cheque 
 Cash  
 Money Order   
(Do not send cash through the mail) 
Do you require a fee waiver? 
 Yes 
 No 
Is evidence of the need to 
waive fees attached? 
 Yes 
 No 
(e.g. a copy of your concession card) 
If you wish to pay your application fee via credit card you will need to ask the agency you are 
applying to if they accept credit card payments. 
If no fee is attached and you do not qualify for a waiver, then this application will not be valid 
until the fee has been received by the agency. 
Applicant's Signature: 
Date  …... / …... / 20…... 
Notes on lodging this FOI application 
Now that you have completed all of the information required in this application form, post or deliver it 
(along with any required documents e.g. payment or proof of concession for fee waiver) to the agency 
that holds the documents you are seeking to access.   
Please keep a copy of your application for your own reference. 
Received on  …... / …... / 20…... 
Acknowledgment sent on  …... / …... / 20.….. 
Determination sent on …../…../ 20…… 
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