This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Industry consultation relating to the May 2019 Runway 30 RNP-AR flight path design'.

Industry Engagement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Saturday, 6 October 2018 5:16:12 PM
I had a call from s47F
from Jetstar on Thursday afternoon looking for more information
on the Hobart airspace and flightpath changes. Jetstar is very keen to get visual approaches back
and implement a new RNP-AR procedure for RWY30. They have offered us the use of the use of
GE PBN Services to design the procedure for us if it will help get things moving.
I explained that we would not be pursuing an airspace change for May 2019 but we would still be
looking to make changes in the near term that would meet, as far as practicable, with
community and industry expectations. I referred him to the website for the consultation key
dates. He has requested that we host another industry meeting in Melbourne in the near future
to provide an update on the design and implementation process.
We have a sound plan for community consultation but we don’t really have anything in place for
ongoing industry engagement and engagement with the broader GA community. Our customers
have been relatively patient to date but that won’t last if they don’t see some changes on the
horizon that will improve the efficiency of their operations.
Can we discuss next week?
ATC Line Manager
Airservices Australia
PO Box 1093 Tullamarine VIC 3043