This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Industry consultation relating to the May 2019 Runway 30 RNP-AR flight path design'.

(ATC Group)
FW: Hobart Airspace [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 4:09:22 PM
ATC Line Manager
Airservices Australia
PO Box 1093 Tullamarine VIC 3043
 | m s47F
e s47F
From: s47F] 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 December 2018 2:49 PM
To: s47F
 (ATC Group) ; s47F
 ; s47F
 ; s47F
 ; s47F
 ; s47F
 ; s47F
Cc: s47F
Subject: RE: Hobart Airspace [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Phil,
Apologies for the delay in getting this to you. I have finally managed to corner everyone who
wanted to give their input on this topic.
Thank you for the detailed presentation by you and your team on 9 November, 2018 regarding
the holistic redesign of the airspace associated with Hobart International Airport (HBA). During
this meeting two options were presented for new Departure and Arrival routes at HBA. These
two options were referred to as the Eastern Option and the Western Option.
Virgin Australia Flight and Network Operations have reviewed the detailed plans for each Option.
Virgin Australia formally endorses the so-called Eastern Option only. The Eastern Option provides
the necessary safety and efficiency gains required at HBA.
The Eastern Option is endorsed for the following reasons:
1. The establishment of new arrival routes to the east of Maria Island allows for arriving aircraft
from Sydney and Brisbane to be sequenced separately to those from Melbourne. This will
result in increased safety in conjunction with an increase in airport capacity.
2. The implementation of new departure routes allows non-jet aircraft to immediately
manoeuvre after take-off allowing the faster jet aircraft to take-off without delay. This is a
neutral safety gain as this deconfliction is already assured by Air Traffic Control, but will be
a considerable efficiency gain for departing aircraft.
3. The implementation of redesigned Required Navigation Performance (RNP) departures and
arrivals will allow highly predictable paths for Flight Crew and Air Traffic Controllers alike.
This will lead to a significant reduction in manual vectoring of aircraft by Air Traffic
Controllers which will increase safety.
4. The redesign of the HBA airspace has allowed implementation of new, more efficient route
for our Hobart-Perth-Hobart flights.
The Western Option is not endorsed for the following reasons:
1. When northerly runway operations (i.e. runway 30) are required, arrival routes in the
Western Option will require our Flight Crew to operate at low levels in proximity to high
terrain with associated significant turbulence and occasional aircraft icing.
2. Operations that track down the path of the River Derwent do not provide adequate
manoeuvring margins to establish a safe and stabilised final approach in large jet aircraft.

This would lead to a potential increase in missed approaches and go-arounds.
3. When southerly runway operations (i.e. runway 12) are required, departures routes to the
west must be designed in consideration of terrain features to the west of HBA, leading to a
loss of efficiency.
Virgin Australia appreciates the opportunity to provide comment on the redesign of HBA
airspace and commends the amount of industry engagement that was undertaken. Whilst
community impacts were considered in this review, Air Services Australia remained committed
to providing the safest outcome for aircraft operators and the travelling public.
Manager, ATM & Meteorology
Base Manager – Melbourne
PO Box 1034 Spring Hill QLD Australia 4004
Flight Operations
P s47F
E s47F
Melbourne Airport
E s47F
From: s47F
Sent: Friday, 16 November 2018 15:30
To: s47F
Cc: s47F
Subject: Hobart Airspace [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Importance: High
Dear all
Now that you have had a time to reflect on our meeting last week I would be very grateful for
any feedback; brickbats or bouquets are equally acceptable!
I am particularly interested in any commentary on the western option we discussed noting there
were some concerns raised about lack of flexibility and alternative approaches, turbulence IVO
Mt Wellington and proximity to the Danger Area.
The more evidence we can gather on your views of the proposed changes (East and West) then
the stronger case we will have for implementing the most appropriate design.
ATC Line Manager