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Federal Court of Australia
Senior National Judicial Registrar and National Operations

Melbourne VIC
Opportunity Type
The key duties of the position include:
The Court has successfully implemented a number of important
Opportunity Status
reforms through the National Court Framework (NCF). The NCF is a
fundamental reform of the Court and the way it operates with the
key purpose to reinvigorate the Court’s approach to case
management and further modernising its operations so it is better
APS Classification
placed to meet the demands of litigants and can operate as a truly
Executive Level 2
national and international Court. The NCF reforms have focused on
matters relevant to the work undertaken by the judges of the Court,
Closing Date
including the allocation of case work to judges on a national basis,
the organisation and management of the Court’s work nationally
through the introduction of nine National Practice Areas (NPAs) and
Job Category
reform of the Court’s practice and procedure through the
introduction of a suite of new practice notes, including the Central
Practice Note. The Court is now extending the NCF (and its core
principles) to registrar work, in its aim to ensure an efficient,
effective and nationally consistent approach to the allocation and
management of that work and to create opportunities for the
advancement and career development of Judicial Registrars.
The Senior National Judicial Registrar and National Operations
Registrar (SNJR and NOR) is a multi-faceted position and plays a
critical leadership role within the reformed structure of the Court,
particularly in relation to the ongoing implementation of national
arrangements for legal operations. In addition, the SNJR and NOR
actively supports the achievement of the Court’s key initiatives and
objectives and is an integral member of the Court’s executive
management group.
The SNJR and NOR undertakes a diverse range of high level legal
work across all nine NPAs and sub-areas, including conducting
complex mediations and case management in support of judges.
The SNJR and NOR performs delegated judicial functions including
in the area of corporations law, presiding in Court over winding up
and other corporations insolvency cases. In addition, the SNJR
and NOR will support one or more National Coordinating NPA
Judge’s with the management of NPAs.
The SNJR and NOR may also take responsibility for a specific area
of national operations, or alternatively work in collaboration with
another SNJR and NOR, regarding their national operations
responsibilities. National operations includes the national allocation
and management of first instance and appellate judicial work, the
national allocation and management of Judicial Registrar work and
the strategic review and development of the Court’s policy and

practice. The SNJR and NOR will need to work flexibly, and with
other senior registrars, across these areas of responsibility.
This role is suitable for Partner level lawyers and will expose
candidates to a high calibre of legal work, while offering an enviable
work environment within a national superior Court.
This position requires the occupant to perform statutory legal
functions, as required, including conducting mediations and case
management. Therefore, legal qualifications and admission as a
practitioner of the High Court and/or the Supreme Court of a State
or Territory of Australia is essential.
In addition, it is highly desirable for the applicant to:
have extensive experience in civil litigation (including exposure
to high level case management) in superior courts of Australia;
be accredited as a mediator with experience in conducting
This role is suitable for Partner level lawyers.
A competitive remuneration package will be negotiated for the
successful candidate based on qualifications, skills and experience.
Contact Officer
Andrea Jarratt
Contact Phone
03 8600 3504
Agency Employment Act
PS Act 1999
Position Number
Vacancy Number
Getting to know the Federal Court of Australia
The Chief Executive Officer and Principal Registrar of the Federal Court, together
with officers and staff identified under the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976, the
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Act 2021 and the Native Title Act
1993, constitute a single Statutory Agency for the purposes of the Public Service
Act 1999. 

Employees are engaged to work in support of the following courts or tribunal:  
• Federal Court of Australia, 
• Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, and
• National Native Title Tribunal.  
Employees are covered by the Federal Court of Australia Enterprise Agreement
The Federal Court and the Federal Circuit and Family Court each maintain a distinct
statutory identity, with separate functions and judicial independence.
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