This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents related to FOI 23-24/072'.

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 6
Vickers, Marc
FOI Requests
; Qui, Peter; ICTD.Executive; Clarkson, Sharyn
RE: FOI 23-24/072 - Decision letter for review [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 19 January 2024 4:20:54 PM
FOI 23-23 072 Decision Letter.pdf
Please find attached
Marc Vickers
Chief Information Security Officer
Assistant Secretary, Governance and Procurement Branch, ICT Division
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Network Champion
Department of Finance
W: +61 2 6215 1641 | s22
 | E:
A: 1 Canberra Avenue, FORREST, ACT 2603, AUSTRALIA
From: FOI Requests <> 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 4:05 PM
To: Vickers, Marc <>
Cc: FOI Requests <>; s22>; s22>
Subject: FW: FOI 23-24/072 - Decision letter for review [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Importance: High
Hi Marc,
I note that the decision is due today. I have removed the relevant paragraphs regarding the legal
professional privilege exemption from the letter. Grateful if you could please sign as soon as
practicable and provide it before 4.45pm so I can notify the Deputy Secretary and send to the
applicant? Unfortunately I am unable to stay past COB today to send it.
Kind regards,

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 6
 | Senior Legal Officer
Public Law Section
Legal and Assurance Branch
T: s22
E: s22
From: FOI Requests <> 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 1:31 PM
To: Vickers, Marc <>
Cc: s22>; FOI Requests <>
Subject: RE: FOI 23-24/072 - Decision letter for review [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hello Marc,
I am not familiar with the relevant documents but ins22
 absence today I have had a look at
the paragraphs you’ve highlighted. If you consider that there is no legal professional privilege
that attaches to the relevant documents in this FOI matter then this part of the decision letter
can be removed.
Happy to discuss.
Kind regards,
 | Senior Legal Officer
Public Law Section
Legal and Assurance Branch
T: s22
E: s22

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 6
From: Vickers, Marc <> 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 12:27 PM
To: FOI Requests <>
Cc: s22>
Subject: RE: FOI 23-24/072 - Decision letter for review [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Importance: High
Before I sign, can I just check something.  I have highlighted some paragraphs around Material
subject to legal professional privilege.  I am not sure that applies to this request.  I think the next
para  on Material obtained in confidence is more appropriated.
The highlighted paragraph was added to a later request from a related FOI where the requester
was seeking the legal advice from auDA about the confidentiality of the material – so it is part of
a later refusal, but I don’t think its relevant to the refusal for the initial request – and this is only
seeking the initial information – or am I missing something?
Marc Vickers
Chief Information Security Officer
Assistant Secretary, Governance and Procurement Branch, ICT Division
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Network Champion
Department of Finance
W: +61 2 6215 1641 | M: s22
 | E:
A: 1 Canberra Avenue, FORREST, ACT 2603, AUSTRALIA
From: FOI Requests <> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 9:53 AM
To: Vickers, Marc <>
Cc: s22>; FOI Requests <>

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 6