This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Ministerial Submission MS22-00569'.

NB:  These documents have been obtained from an electronic record.  An original hard-copy 
version of this record does not exist. 


14/05/2024, 13:25
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File note

DVA officer
Timeframe days
16 Apr 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email saved to LEX and referred to IAO
15 Apr 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from PDD 15/04 with cleared SM & Docs. with additional comment as below -
Good afternoon IAU
Please refer attached completed Search Minute and document.
Please note, additional comment from PDD FAS:
The legal sensitivities and the need to consult office of chief counsel division which may mean applying relevant
exemptions to redact part or all of the document. There may also be commercial in confidence sensitivities as the brief
notes the contract negotiations with UniSA.
Kind regards
Diana s 47F
Senior Business Support & Executive Coordinator
PDD Business Support Section
Program Delivery Division
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Phone s 47F
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Emails from s 47F
 & Mark advising/confirming the right area PDD for SM - Emails Saved to trim.
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from s 47F
Hi Josh
Firstly, apologies for not responding to your Teams messages! I have no excuse, I’m just disorganised.
Secondly, have searched and there is no record in PDMS with that reference. Grateful for your advice on next steps?
Tiki s 47F
 | A/g Director
Ministerial and Parliamentary Support I Ministerial, International and Stakeholder Relations Branch
Ministerial, Engagement and Communication Division I Veteran, Family & Stakeholder Experience Group
Tel s 47F
 Ext s 47F  Mobile s 47F
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
SM emailed to PDD with note as per previous file notes. Saved to Trim
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
applicant refused to provide 15AA - so quite likely this will go deemed and we can try to get 15AC once the decision is
ready to go

14/05/2024, 13:25
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9 Apr 2024
1  File note
Frankies 47F
Padma please send the revised scope SM to PDD - please add additional comment in SM and SM covering email that
MCU Kristine s 47F
 has confirmed that the ministerial document belongs to PDD and PDD is responsible for the
search and provide the sensitivites comments.
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankies 47F
[2:51 pm] s 47F
ok  i can confirm that MS22 000569 i  owned by Program Delivery Divi ion, Client Program  Branch
[2:52 pm]
s 47F
s 47F
excellent - would you like to send the sensitivities consult to PDD or you send the docs to IAU and we do the consult?
[3:12 pm]s 47FFrankies 47F
the applicant i  not giving any e ten ion  for u ,  o the deci ion i  due in 15/04 ( i  day ) thank you
[3:32 pm] s 47F
soz, was caught on a call, from discussions with Josh - you guys send the Search Minute to the business area to
complete the Search Minute.
s 47F
s 47F
excellent - would you like to send the sensitivities consult to PDD or you send the docs to IAU and we do the consult?
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankies 47F
Dear Jenny,
Thank you for the information. I have just provided the correct MS reference details to the Ministerial Correspondence
As the line area only commences the search just now and the FOI decision will be due in six days, are you in the position
to agree an extension of time under s 15AA of the FOI Act?
You can provide up to 30 day  of e ten ion to the Department
Please provide us a response by COB 11 April 2024.
Thank you for your a i tance
Kind regards,
Frankie| A/g Senior Information Access Officer
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
Good afternoon Maria,
The applicant confirmed with us that the correct MS reference is MS22-000596.
Can you please advise us a rough estimate when this search will be completed as the request decision is due in 6 days.
I am attemping to get extension of time from this applicant today however she is a frequent applicant so it could be
difficult to seek an extension from her.
Kind regards,
Frankie| A/g Senior Information Access Officer
Position 62373489
Information Access Unit
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
Apologies. A zero was left off. The full reference number for that document was MS22-000596.
Yours sincerely,
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
If she doesn't go to AA, ask for a 15AA

14/05/2024, 13:25
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9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
Dear Jenny,
I refer to your request below.
The Mini terial Corre pondence Unit confirmed that there i  one digit mi ing in the MS (Mini terial Submi ion)
reference number that you provided in your request?
Can you please advise us again the correct MS reference number.
Agreement to amend the Freedom of Information request to be processed under the administrative access arrangements
Can you respond to this email giving the Department written approval, acknowledging your agreement for the department
to proce  your reque t admini tratively and withdrawing your reque t under the FOI Act, by replying thi  email and
stating ‘you agree’. If you do not agree, the Department will continue on processing this request under the FOI Act.
We appreciate if you can provide us a response by COB Thursday 11 April 2024.
Kind regards,
Frankie| A/g Senior Information Access Officer
3 Apr 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email response from MCU (3/04/2024 11:25 AM) advising
Hi Padma,
I have had a look at this request and it appears that there may be a digit missing in the MS (MS22-00569) therefore there
is no information to provide. You may need to go back to JENNY and ask her to resubmit her request.
Kind Regard
Maria s 47F Senior Ministerial Correspondence Officer
Ministerial Correspondence Unit I Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Tel s 47F
s 47F
3 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Emailed MCU requesting BA for SM
2 Apr 2024
1. File note
Joshua s 47F
Email to be sent to MCU with the usual cc requesting which BA to send SM to
21 Mar 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
Please send SM to MCU
Ministerial & Parliamentary Support Section
s 47E
 - please also cc email to Kristine s 47F
 and Mark Kelleske
21 Mar 2024
1. File note
Natalie s 47F
Allocated to London
19 Mar 2024
1.3.1 TRIM file
Arthur s 47F
TRIM Container created see record number: 2404613 PM2024/13
19 Mar 2024
1. File note
Arthur s 47F
R Drive folder created: R:\Application Data\NSW\FOI\COMMON\1. FOI\1. FOI Requests\17. LEX 66001 - LEX 69000
16 Mar 2024
1.1.1 Clock start
Arthur s 47F
Clock started

14/05/2024, 13:25
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Produced by s 22 - Out of scope
LEX for FOI Management
Tuesday, 14 May 2024