You would have received an email from Macquarie Government
dva‐xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx indicating that the Department has shared a document with
you. The email content looks similar to the following:
Please click on the ‘setting a password’ link. This would take you to an internet browser that allows
you to set your password.
Your username is your email.
The password you choose should meet all the following criteria:
Have at least 10 characters
Have one upper case alphabet
Have one lower case alphabet
Have one number
Have one symbol
You would need to remember these details for your future logins.
If the error ‘The token is invalid’ appears, it means that you have previously activated your account.
In that case, you would need to reset your password if you cannot remember your login details.
When you click on the ‘view it’ link from the Macquarie Government email, it would prompt you to
If you have entered the wrong password, the option to reset your password would appear. An email
would be sent to you with a link that allows you to reset your password.
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1. From the Macquarie Government email, click on the ‘view it’ link.
It would prompt you to login to your account.
Once you are logged in, you would be able to see the documents shared with you.
2. Click on the icon with the three dots next to the document title. See image below.
3. A drop down menu would appear. Click download and choose the location where you would
like to save the documents.
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