This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'MATES Program Deeds of Agreement'.

NB:  These documents have been obtained from an electronic record.  An original hard-copy 
version of this record does not exist. 


14/05/2024, 13:19
LEX_File notes_14May2024_1934
File note

DVA officer
Timeframe days
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email saved to LEX and referred to IAO
3 Apr 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from BA (3/04/2024 11:44 AM) AS cleared SM & related docs R drive link
2 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Team  Call from Sue s 47F 02/04   a king if the doc   hould be  ent a  attached   advi ed ye  and SM will be  ent COB
today 02/04/2024
25 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email response (25/03/2024 9:54 AM)
Hi Padma
I’m aware we have a number of outstanding search minutes, due to a long standing capacity issue.
We hope to get on top of the backlog ass on as possible and have a number to you this week,
21 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
3rd Follow up email re Overdue SM - Saved to Trim
14 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from Sue (14/03/2024 4:05 PM) - requesting to send SM attachment - emailed as requested. Email saved to TRIM.
14 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Follow up email to Kylie re Overdue SM - Email saved to Trim
13 Mar 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email saved to LEX and referred to IAO
6 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from Tania to Kylie (06/03/2024 2.49pm) as follows -
Kylie – my understanding is that your team is doing the FOI relating to this, but please correct me if I am wrong on this. I
certainly don’t think I have anything historical in terms of agreements.
6 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
SM follow up email sent tos 47F
Kylie s 47F
s 47F
Tania s 47F
6 Mar 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F

14/05/2024, 13:19
LEX_File notes_14May2024_1934
SM overdue - f/u with BA required
Padma plea e action
26 Feb 2024
1. File note
Fiona s 47F
Email from applicant about delay in processing. Saved in LEX.
14 Feb 2024
1. File note
Joshua s 47F
Assigned to Frankie
14 Feb 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Response (13/02/2024) from Salakas Peta (Veterans’ Home Care & Contract Management) advising not for their area -
Forwarded to Kylie s 47F  and Tania s 47F  (CCd in reply email) CLIPPROGRAMS & CARBSBRA
13 Feb 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
SM emailed to Program Delivery & Contract Management - Email trimmed
5 Feb 2024
1. File note
Natalie s 47F
Allocated to London
2 Feb 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email varying request saved to LEX and referred to IAO
1 Feb 2024
1.3.1 TRIM file
Arthur s 47F
TRIM Container created see record number: 2401725 PM2024/13
1 Feb 2024
1. File note
Arthur s 47F
R Drive folder created: R:\Application Data\NSW\FOI\COMMON\1. FOI\1. FOI Requests\NON PERSONAL REQUESTS
27 Jan 2024
1.1.1 Clock start
Arthur s 47F
Clock started
Produced by s 22 - Out of scope
LEX for FOI Management
Tuesday, 14 May 2024