This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Request for copy of the consent for the DVA/UniSA MATES program to operate'.

NB:  These documents have been obtained from an electronic record.  An original hard-copy 
version of this record does not exist. 


Freedom of Information request - Request for copy of the consent for the DVA/UniSA MATES program to
Friday, 17 November 2023 10:10:08 PM
Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,
According to the Hansard transcript (p.15) of Secretary Frame’s testimony before the FADaT Senate Estimates
Committee on Wednesday 15 November 2023 Secretary Frame, in response to a question from Senator Lambie,
said about the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although still suspended since mid-year) that “There is a consent
that has been in place for the program to operate it as it has for 18 years”.
I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it does not appear that the Department of
Veterans Affairs has made this ‘consent’ publicly available.
I have also checked the minutes the department has published of its ESO roundtables, back issues of VetAffairs,
referred to by Secretary Frame (on the same transcript page) where it was suggested such information was
communicated, but was unable to find any such information.
As the ‘consent’ referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made publicly available by  DVA, can the
Department of Veterans Affairs please provide copy of it.
As Secretary Frame appears quite aware of that ‘consent’ document for the DVA/UniSA MATES program and
reviewed it before she gave her testimony to the committee this week, it should be able to be quickly located by
the Secretary’s office.
It sounds like a discrete document and one able to be reviewed quickly for release.
As I am sure more than just me would be interested in this ‘consent’ document, please ensure it will be
accessible on release for me than just me.
Yours faithfully,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Department of
Veterans' Affairs? If so, please contact us using this form:
This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make
will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your
organisation's FOI page.

LEX 62809 - Information Access Request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Saturday, 25 November 2023 11:05:00 AM
Dear Jenny,
The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your request for access to
information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). I note you have requested
access to the following:
'...According to the Hansard transcript (p.15) of Secretary Frame's testimony before the
FADaT Senate Estimates Committee on Wednesday 15 November 2023 Secretary Frame, in
response to a question from Senator Lambie, said about the DVA/UniSA MATES program
(although still suspended since mid-year) that "There is a consent that has been in place for the
program to operate it as it has for 18 years".

I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it does not appear that the
Department of Veterans Affairs has made this 'consent' publicly available.

I have also checked the minutes the department has published of its ESO roundtables, back issues
of VetAffairs, referred to by Secretary Frame (on the same transcript page) where it was
suggested such information was communicated, but was unable to find any such information.

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made publicly available by  DVA, can
the Department of Veterans Affairs please provide copy of it.

As Secretary Frame appears quite aware of that 'consent' document for the DVA/UniSA MATES
program and reviewed it before she gave her testimony to the committee this week, it should be
able to be quickly located by the Secretary's office.

It sounds like a discrete document and one able to be reviewed quickly for release.
As I am sure more than just me would be interested in this 'consent' document, please ensure it
will be accessible on release for me than just me...'

Your request was received by the department on 17 November 2023 and the ordinary 30 day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from the day after that date.
If we are in a position to make a decision on your request earlier than this date, we will
endeavour to do so.
The statutory period may also be extended if we need to consult third parties or for other
reasons permitted under the FOI Act. We will advise you if this happens.
The Department will notify you within 14 days of an estimate of the charges that will apply to

your request for non-personal information before we process any requested documents or
impose a final charge.
Your address
The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address that we can send notices to. You have
advised your contact address is  . Unless you
tell us otherwise, we will send all notices and correspondence to this address.
Disclosure log
Information released under the FOI Act may be published on a disclosure log on our website,
subject to certain exceptions. These exceptions include where publication of personal, business,
professional or commercial information would be unreasonable.
Further assistance
If you have any questions about your request, please email
Yours sincerely
Kevin| Information Access Officer
Position 62373493
Information Access Unit
Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations Branch
Ministerial, Communication & Engagement Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) 

From: s 47F
s 47E
s 47E
FW: OVERDUE: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Wednesday, 6 March 2024 2:41:02 PM
LEX 62809 - Search Minute request - JENNY.docx
RE OVERDUE Due 29 Jan LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY SECOFFICIAL.msg
Hi Joshua
Please find attached completed search minute and AS approval.
Kind regards
Louiss 47F A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
This email may contain legal advice that is subject to legal professional privilege. Care should be taken to avoid
unintended waiver of that privilege. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Legal & Audit Division should be consulted prior
to any decision to disclose the existence or content of any advice contained in this email to a third party.
From: s 47F  Louis 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2024 10:36 AM
To: Foat, Ally 
Cc: s 47E
Subject: OVERDUE: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Ally
Completed search minute attached for your clearance. This is one we discussed yesterday.
Kind regards
Louis s 47F | A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
This email may contain legal advice that is subject to legal professional privilege. Care should be taken to avoid
unintended waiver of that privilege. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Legal & Audit Division should be consulted prior
to any decision to disclose the existence or content of any advice contained in this email to a third party.
From: s 47F Faith On Behalf Of s 47E
Sent: Friday, 19 January 2024 1:25 PM
To:s 47F
Cc: s 47E
; Foat, Ally s 47E
Subject: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Litigation and Advisings teams,
Can you please assist with this FOI request Search Minute, in relation JENNY, in the attached
Due to AS 29 Jan
Due to Info Access 30 Jan
The wording of the request is:
re the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although still suspended since mid-
year) that "There is a consent that has been in place for the program to
operate it as it has for 18 years".

I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it
does not appear that the Department of Veterans Affairs has made this
'consent' publicly available.

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made
publicly available by DVA, can the Department of Veterans Affairs please
provide copy of it.

If you are aware of other teams that should undertake searches, please advise asap.
Sent: Friday, 19 January 2024 12:59 PM
To: s 47E
Subject: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Dear colleagues,
The department has received a new information access request from JENNY under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 
(FOI Act). The request was received on 17 November 2023 and was
made in the following terms:
'...According to the Hansard transcript (p.15) of Secretary Frame's testimony
before the FADaT Senate Estimates Committee on Wednesday 15 November
2023 Secretary Frame, in response to a question from Senator Lambie, said about
the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although still suspended since mid-year) that
"There is a consent that has been in place for the program to operate it as it has
for 18 years".

I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it does not
appear that the Department of Veterans Affairs has made this 'consent' publicly

I have also checked the minutes the department has published of its ESO
roundtables, back issues of VetAffairs, referred to by Secretary Frame (on the
same transcript page) where it was suggested such information was
communicated, but was unable to find any such information.

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made publicly
available by DVA, can the Department of Veterans Affairs please provide copy of

As Secretary Frame appears quite aware of that 'consent' document for the
DVA/UniSA MATES program and reviewed it before she gave her testimony to the
committee this week, it should be able to be quickly located by the Secretary's

It sounds like a discrete document and one able to be reviewed quickly for

As I am sure more than just me would be interested in this 'consent' document,
please ensure it will be accessible on release for me than just me...

Your area has been identified as the area that is most likely to hold additional documents
relevant to the request. Please confirm by COB 23 January 2024 the following information:
· The nominated contact officer for this request (the person who will be the contact person

for our team to liaise with).
Whether or not this request is sensitive (this includes, but is not limited to, requests likely
to attract SES, ministerial or media interest).
· Whether there are any other line areas that may hold documents relevant to the request.
I have attached a search minute for the nominated contact officer to complete. A signed copy of
the search minute and the documents relevant to the scope of the request must be sent to
s 47E
no later than COB 30 January 2024
The FOI Act has strict statutory timeframes and a decision on access must generally be made 30
days after the day the FOI request is received. This is why the above timeframes have been
specified. More information on the FOI process can be found here.
If you have any queries or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Kind regards
Joshua | Assistant Director
Position Number: 62336362
Information Access Unit
Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations Branch
Ministerial, Communication & Engagement Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

From: s 47F
s 47E
s 47E
RE: OVERDUE: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Wednesday, 6 March 2024 3:22:11 PM
LEX 62809 - Search Minute request - JENNY.docx
Now with AS signature
From:s 47F Louis 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2024 2:41 PM
To: s 47E
Cc: s 47E
Subject: FW: OVERDUE: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY
Hi Joshua
Please find attached completed search minute and AS approval.
Kind regards
Louis s 47F  A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
This email may contain legal advice that is subject to legal professional privilege. Care should be taken to avoid
unintended waiver of that privilege. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Legal & Audit Division should be consulted prior
to any decision to disclose the existence or content of any advice contained in this email to a third party.
From: s 47F Louis 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2024 10:36 AM
To: Foat, Ally <>
Cc: s 47E
Subject: OVERDUE: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Ally
Completed search minute attached for your clearance. This is one we discussed yesterday.
Kind regards
Louiss 47F A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
This email may contain legal advice that is subject to legal professional privilege. Care should be taken to avoid
unintended waiver of that privilege. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Legal & Audit Division should be consulted prior
to any decision to disclose the existence or content of any advice contained in this email to a third party.
From:s 47F Faith On Behalf Ofs 47E
Sent: Friday, 19 January 2024 1:25 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47E
s 47F Ally s 47E
Subject: Due 29 Jan: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Litigation and Advisings teams,
Can you please assist with this FOI request Search Minute, in relation JENNY, in the attached
Due to AS 29 Jan
Due to Info Access 30 Jan
The wording of the request is:
re the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although still suspended since mid-
year) that "There is a consent that has been in place for the program to

operate it as it has for 18 years".
I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it
does not appear that the Department of Veterans Affairs has made this
'consent' publicly available.

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made
publicly available by DVA, can the Department of Veterans Affairs please
provide copy of it.

If you are aware of other teams that should undertake searches, please advise asap.
Sent: Friday, 19 January 2024 12:59 PM
To: s 47E
Subject: LEX62809 - Search minute request - JENNY [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Dear colleagues,
The department has received a new information access request from JENNY under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 
(FOI Act). The request was received on 17 November 2023 and was
made in the following terms:
'...According to the Hansard transcript (p.15) of Secretary Frame's testimony
before the FADaT Senate Estimates Committee on Wednesday 15 November
2023 Secretary Frame, in response to a question from Senator Lambie, said about
the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although still suspended since mid-year) that
"There is a consent that has been in place for the program to operate it as it has
for 18 years".

I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it does not
appear that the Department of Veterans Affairs has made this 'consent' publicly

I have also checked the minutes the department has published of its ESO
roundtables, back issues of VetAffairs, referred to by Secretary Frame (on the
same transcript page) where it was suggested such information was
communicated, but was unable to find any such information.

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made publicly
available by DVA, can the Department of Veterans Affairs please provide copy of

As Secretary Frame appears quite aware of that 'consent' document for the
DVA/UniSA MATES program and reviewed it before she gave her testimony to the
committee this week, it should be able to be quickly located by the Secretary's

It sounds like a discrete document and one able to be reviewed quickly for

As I am sure more than just me would be interested in this 'consent' document,
please ensure it will be accessible on release for me than just me...

Your area has been identified as the area that is most likely to hold additional documents
relevant to the request. Please confirm by COB 23 January 2024 the following information:
· The nominated contact officer for this request (the person who will be the contact person
for our team to liaise with).
Whether or not this request is sensitive (this includes, but is not limited to, requests likely
to attract SES, ministerial or media interest).
· Whether there are any other line areas that may hold documents relevant to the request.
I have attached a search minute for the nominated contact officer to complete. A signed copy of
the search minute and the documents relevant to the scope of the request must be sent to
s 47E
no later than COB 30 January 2024
The FOI Act has strict statutory timeframes and a decision on access must generally be made 30
days after the day the FOI request is received. This is why the above timeframes have been
specified. More information on the FOI process can be found here.
If you have any queries or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Kind regards
Joshua | Assistant Director
Position Number: 62336362
Information Access Unit
Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations Branch
Ministerial, Communication & Engagement Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

LEX 62809 
FOI Document Retrieval Minute 
Search request for documents sought under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) 

GC Div 
Joshua (62336362) 
Information Access Unit  - Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations Branch 
s 47E
Return by 
30 January 2024 
Client Name 
File Number 
Date of Birth 

The Information Access Unit is asking your business area to undertake searches in response to a request 
received by the Department for access to documents under the FOI Act.  
SES clearance is sought when responding to information access requests, including results of searches and 
the identification of any sensitivities in releasing the documents identified under the FOI and Privacy Acts.   
The Request 

The request is made in the following terms: 
'. .According to the Hansard transcript (p.15) of Secretary Frame's testimony before the 

FADaT Senate Estimates Committee on Wednesday 15 November 2023 Secretary Frame, in 
response to a question from Senator Lambie, said about the DVA/UniSA MATES program (although 
still suspended since mid-year) that "There is a consent that has been in place for the program to 
operate it as it has for 18 years". 
I have searched the DVA website, the UniSA website and Hansard but it does not appear that the 

Department of Veterans Affairs has made this 'consent' publicly available. 
I have also checked the minutes the department has published of its ESO roundtables, back issues 

of VetAffairs, referred to by Secretary Frame (on the same transcript page) where it was suggested 
such information was communicated, but was unable to find any such information. 

As the 'consent' referred to by Secretary Frame has not been made publicly available by  DVA, can 
the Department of Veterans Affairs please provide copy of it. 
As Secretary Frame appears quite aware of that 'consent' document for the DVA/UniSA MATES 

program and reviewed it before she gave her testimony to the committee this week, it should be 
able to be quickly located by the Secretary's office. 
It sounds like a discrete document and one able to be reviewed quickly for release. 

As I am sure more than just me would be interested in this 'consent' document, please ensure it wil  

be accessible on release for me than just me. . 

It is my understanding that your area is best placed to provide information and collate relevant documents 
in relation to the request  
Action Required 

  1.  Please allocate appropriate resources to the processing of this request. 
 2.  Please also complete and return a signed copy of this search minute and all relevant documents (in 
original form) by 30 January 2024 to s 47E
3.  It is expected that business areas wil  escalate and raise concerns on sensitive requests with their 
relevant Executive. Where appropriate, the Information Access Unit will also notify significant 
stakeholders, including the Secretary's Office, the Office for the Minister of Veterans' Affairs and 
other Commonwealth Departments and third parties should it be required. 
Joshua (62336362) 
Information Access Unit - Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations Branch 
Ref No:-LEX 62809 
16 May 2024