This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Access to documents released administratively'.

Anselmo Cristobal Hernandez y Pinal 
By Email:       
Our Reference: LEX 1009 (683) 
Dear Applicant  
Freedom of Information request 
1.  The purpose of this correspondence is to advise you of a revised decision the 
Australian Public Service Commission (Commission) has made under section 55G of 
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in relation to LEX 683.  
2.  My decision applies in relation to the release of ten (10) documents in full that were 
previously found to be exempt in full under sections 47E(d) and 47F of the FOI Act. 
3.  The FOI Act and all other Commonwealth legislation referred to in this letter are 
publicly available from  
Revised Decision  

4.  I have made a decision to vary the internal review decision made by Shyam 
Raghupathi, FOI decision maker, on 17 November 2023. 
5.  In varying this decision, I have decided to release documents 1 to 10 to you in full. 
The documents released to you in accordance with this revised decision are enclosed.  
6.  The documents that I have chosen to grant access to are set out in Schedule 1 at 
Attachment A.  
Authority to make decision  
7.  I am authorised under subsection 23(1) of the FOI Act to make FOI decisions.  
8.  On 19 September 2023, you requested access to the following: 
“According to a document on the FOI disclosure log on the APSC website (LEX 
559), documents were released administratively under LEX 540 (reference 
SHC23-4379), LEX 544 (reference SHC23-4513), LEX 545 (reference SHC23-
4540), and LEX 546 (SHC23-4521). 


Subject to those documents being released administratively pursuant to this 
request for access, under the FOI Act, I request access to the administratively 
released documents associated with LEX 540, LEX 544, LEX 545, and LEX 

9.  On 18 October 2023, I as Authorised Decision Maker, refused access to all ten (10) 
documents in full (the original decision). In providing the decision, I noted that once 
relevant exemptions were applied (section 47E- certain operations of agencies, section 
47F- personal privacy) the objects of the FOI Act would not be served by providing 
access to the edited version as extensive editing was required and would leave only a 
skeleton of the former documents. 
10. On 18 October 2023, you sought an internal review of the original decision.  
11. On 17 November 2023, you were provided with a decision relating to your internal 
review request which affirmed my earlier decision to refuse your request for access to 
the documents under sections 47E and 47F of the FOI Act. 
12. On 8 May 2024, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) sent 
the Commission a notice under s 54Z of the FOI Act advising that the OAIC had 
commenced a review of the Commission’s internal review decision as it applies to all 
ten documents. In your application, you stated: 
“I think the decision is wrong because the agency has already granted access to 
the documents in the past under administrative release. I think that they are being 
discriminatory towards me.” 

13. I have reviewed this matter and consider I am in a position to grant access to the 
documents in accordance with your request. Accordingly, I have decided to make a 
revised decision under section 55G of the FOI Act.  
14. The Commission will provide the OAIC with a copy of this revised decision. 
Reasons for Decision  

15. In making my revised decision on your request, I have had regard to: 
  the terms of your request; 
  the primary and internal review decisions;  
  the terms of your application for IC review through the OAIC;  
  the contents of the documents;  
  the FOI Act; and  
  the Guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under 
section 93A of the FOI Act (FOI Guidelines). 


16. Ten documents have been identified as falling within scope of your request. These 
documents were in the possession of the Commission when your request was received 
on 19 September 2023.  
17. I have reviewed all of the material available to me, as outlined at paragraph 15 of this 
letter, and I have decided to grant access to all ten (10) documents in full.  
18. Upon further review of this material, I no longer consider that it would be contrary to 
the public interest to release the personal information contained within the documents 
at this time or that disclosure could reasonably be expected to have a substantial 
adverse effect on the proper and efficient conduct of the operations of the 
Commission, for the purposes of sections 47F, 47E(d) and 11A(5)) of the FOI Act. In 
particular, I note that some of the decision letters falling within scope of your request 
are published online on or were previously published on Right to Know.  
19. Accordingly, I have decided to release the documents to you in full. 
Application for Information Commissioner Review – Review Rights 
20. The OAIC is currently conducting an IC review of the Commission’s internal review 
decision to refuse access to the documents requested. Under section 55G(2)(b) of the 
FOI Act, the Information Commissioner (IC) must deal with your IC review 
application as if it were an IC review application of this revised decision.  
21. The scope of your IC review emphasised that you are seeking access to documents 1 – 
10 without any redactions. This revised decision has provided you with full access to 
all of the documents falling within scope of your request. I therefore kindly ask you to 
consider withdrawing your application for IC review on the basis that your concerns 
have been addressed. 
22. You can contact the OAIC by email at or by phone on 1300 363 
992 to advise whether you wish to proceed with your application.    
23. If you require clarification on matters in this letter please contact the Commission’s 
FOI Officer by email at 
Yours sincerely,  
Melanie McIntyre  
Authorised FOI decision maker  
31 May 2024 


Document  Pages 

1 - 4 
LEX 540 – FOI Request (LEX 189) 
Released in full   

5 - 8 
LEX 540 – Decision Notice (LEX 189) 
Released in full   

9 - 12 
LEX 544 – FOI Request (LEX 190) 
Released in full   

13 - 16 
LEX 544 – Decision Notice (LEX 190) 
Released in full   

17 - 27 
LEX 545 – Decision Notice (LEX 187) 
Released in full   

28 - 36 
LEX 545 – Internal Review Decision (LEX 230) 
Released in full   

37 – 40 
LEX 545 – FOI Request (LEX 190) 
Released in full   

41 – 44 
LEX 545 – Decision Notice (LEX 190) 
Released in full   

45 – 53 
LEX 546 – Internal Review Decision (LEX 230) 
Released in full   
54 - 64 
LEX 546 – Decision Notice (LEX 187) 
Released in full