Dear Alex


Freedom of Information Request FOI23/179 - Request consultation process


Attached is a notice of intention to practically refuse in respect of your Freedom of Information request made to the Attorney-General's Department (the department).


Before the department makes a decision, 24AB of the FOI Act provides for a ‘request consultation process'. This means you have 14 days in which to respond to this notice revising your request in one of the ways described in the attached letter. We expect to hear from you by 1 June 2023 if you wish to revise your request.


If you have any questions, please contact me by telephone on (02) 6141 6666 or by email to [AGD request email].


Kind regards


[Personal Information Redacted]

Freedom of Information and Privacy
Attorney-General’s Department

T: 02 6141 6666 | E: [AGD request email]