Make a request

To Queensland Heritage Council

To provide strategic advice to the Minister on matters relating to Queensland's cultural heritage including for example, the measures necessary to conserve Queensland's cultural heritage; and to provide information to the community to encourage interest in, an understanding of, Queensland's cultural heritage; to advise entities about conserving Queensland's cultural heritage, including, for example, government entities and community organisations; to encourage the appropriate management of places of cultural heritage significance; and to perform other functions given to the council by the Minister. Its primary functions include entering places in and removing places from the Heritage Register, and advising the responsible Minister on applications for development of registered places owned by the State.

Browse other requests for examples of how to word your request.

Everything that you enter on this page, including your name, will be displayed publicly on this website forever.

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Can I request information about myself? No!

  • Write your request in simple, precise language.
  • Ask for specific documents, this site is not suitable for general enquiries (why?).
  • Keep it focused, you'll be more likely to get what you want.
  • Make sure the information you are asking for is not already publicly available.

A one line summary of the information you are requesting, e.g. 'Pollution levels from 2005 through 2010 for the Murray River'