Make a request

To Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal

QCAT makes decisions on a range of matters for the first time known as original decisions. QCAT also reviews decisions previously made by government agencies and statutory authorities known as review decisions. Panels assisting the Tribunal include the Dentists Panel of Assessors, the Medical Practitioners Panel of Assessors, Chiropractors Panel of Assessors, Occupational Therapists Panel of Assessors, Pharmacists Panel of Assessors, Physiotherapists Panel of Assessors, Podiatrists Panel of Assessors, Psychologists Panel of Assessors, Public Panel of Assessors, Nursing and Midwifery Panel of Assessors, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners Panel of Assessors, Chinese Medicine Practitioners Panel of Assessors, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists and Oral Health Therapist Panel of Assessors, and the Medical Radiation Technologists Panel of Assessors.

Browse other requests for examples of how to word your request.

Everything that you enter on this page, including your name, will be displayed publicly on this website forever.

Thinking of using a pseudonym?

Can I request information about myself? No!

  • Write your request in simple, precise language.
  • Ask for specific documents, this site is not suitable for general enquiries (why?).
  • Keep it focused, you'll be more likely to get what you want.
  • Make sure the information you are asking for is not already publicly available.

A one line summary of the information you are requesting, e.g. 'Pollution levels from 2005 through 2010 for the Murray River'