Minister for Foreign Affairs
Part of the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio and a Federal authority
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the Information Commissioner guidelines for more details. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the minister's agency instead.
14 requests
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Collective punishment of people in Gaza
Response by Minister for Foreign Affairs to Foifoi Mcgee on .
Our reference: RQ23/05743
Agency reference: LEX9365
Foifoi Mcgee
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Extension of time under s 15AB
Dear Parties...
VIP Aircraft Usage and Costs Foreign Minister
Response by Minister for Foreign Affairs to Justin on .
Information not held.
Dear Justin
We refer to your below email received on 3 March 2019.
Please note the FOI Act is predicated on requests for documents not...
"Blocking" of Twitter Followers
Response by Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ben Fairless on .
Information not held.
Mr Ben Fairless
[1][FOI #846 email]
Dear Mr Fairless
Re: Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
I refer to your e-mail of 2 January 2015 in which...
Did Prime Minister Gough Whitlam sign intervention or security treaties with China for the Asia region?
Response by Minister for Foreign Affairs to Joseph Walz on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Walz,
I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below in which you seek access, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FO...
Good afternoon
Attached please find the Decision Letter in respect of your FOI request.
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?
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