(page 4)
Dear Mr H
I refer to your correspondence of 15 November 2019 sent to the Department
of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Depart...
Dear Mr H
I refer to your correspondence of 9 November 2019 sent to the Department
of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Department)...
Dear Sir/Madam
I refer to your FOI request to the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet in the following relevant terms:...
Dear Illyria,
Thank you for your below email to the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet. Please be advised that the Free...
The request is not really refused. It is deemed to be withdrawn by the applicant. This has happened because the applicant did not respond to an inquiry...
Dear A Citizen
Please find attached the access decision relating to Freedom of
Information request FOI/2019/007.
Please let...
This request was refused under s 24A(1) of the Commonwealth FOI Act. The section says that requests can be refused when the requested documents cannot...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape,
Please find attached the access decision relating to Freedom of
Information request FOI/2019/009.
Dear Freedom Fighter of Information
Thank you for your email below to the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet (the Departme...
Mostly I classify a response like this one to say "clarification requested" because the agency has told the applicant that some more information (or mo...
Dear Posty,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request. If you have any questions, pl...
Note 1: Mostly I classify a response like this one to say "clarification requested" because the agency has told the applicant that some more informatio...
Dear Mr Kekre
Please see attached correspondence relating to the request you submitted to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabine...
Dear Mr Wilshire,
Thank you for your correspondence of 5 October 2018 (copy below) to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (...
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached the access decision in relation to your FOI request
with the Department of the Prime Minister...
Dear Mr [Name Removed at User's Request]
Thank you for your email.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) requires ap...
Dear Mr Stagg.
Thank you for your email.
It’s important that I clarify that we do not require any documents from
you, thank...
Thank you for your decision.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Magrathea
Please find attached the decision on your FOI request to the Department of
the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
By what authority did the agency deem the request to have been withdrawn? Maybe I do not know the Act well but I cannot see any power for the agency to...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
I refer to your email below in which you made a request to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Depa...
Is the requester going to take this any further with a complaint to the Info Commissioner?
The grounds for withholding are very weak.
I am not su...
Dear Mr Cooper-Stout
Please find attached correspondence relating to you your FOI request with
the Department of the Prime Minist...
Dear Mr Summers
Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI request with the
Department of Prime Minister and Cabine...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find attached access decision in relation to your request with the
Department of th...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.