Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Part of the Employment portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DEWR
17 requests
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- unresolved requests
List of organisations currently registered to host Work for the Dole programs
Response by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to Chow Wang on .
Dear Mr Chow Wang
I refer to your freedom of information request to the Department of
Employment and Workplace Relations (department) dated 29 N...
DEWR Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Response by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire,
We refer to your FOI request (our ref: LEX 1298).
Please find attached the department’s decision and the documents being
FOI charges from FY22 to 5/11/24
Administrative Release:
Australian Apprentice Training Support Payments made to eligible apprentices from 1 July 2022 to 30 April 2023
Response by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to Christopher Mulligan on .
Dear Mr Mulligan
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
Kind reg...
Construction Union
Response by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to MBV on .
Partially successful.
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
Dear MBV
I refer to your email of 16 May 2023 to the Department of Employment and
Workplace Relations (department) see...
Business case for the Points Based Activation System
Response by Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to Justin Warren on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Warren
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations regarding your below request for internal...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?
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