Australian Transport Safety Bureau

A Federal authority, also called ATSB

Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is responsible for conducting independent 'no-blame' investigations into accidents and other transport safety matters involving civil aviation, marine and rail operations that fall within Commonwealth jurisdiction.

5 requests
OFFICIAL   Dear Cathy   My apologies for the delay in providing a response.   The best source of information is the Airservices Aeronautica...
ATSB Style/Brand/Writing guides
Response by Australian Transport Safety Bureau to Alex Pentland on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Alex   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 30 November 2023.   Should you have any quer...
FOI Delegations
Response by Australian Transport Safety Bureau to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless   I refer to your email dated 14 November 2018 seeking a copy of the current FOI Delegations.   Please find attached a copy of th...
FOI Delegations - 2016
Response by Australian Transport Safety Bureau to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless,                                                                                                                        I refer to...

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