Australian Electoral Commission

Part of the Finance portfolio and a Federal authority, also called AEC

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process.

80 requests

(page 4)

For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Wrightman I refer to your email dated 19 December 2013 4:08 PM in which you make the above FOI Request. I enclose...
Agreed on terms for not voting penalties
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to Sophia Wrightman on .

Information not held.

For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Wrightman The obligations contained in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 have been in place since 1924. There is no b...
For-Official-Use-Only Thank you for your email to the Australian Electoral Commission.   You will find the Senate below the line preferences avai...
Australians for Honest Politics
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to Margo Kingston on .

Partially successful.

For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Kingston I refer to the Chief Legal Officer’s letter to you dated 25 July 2013 notifying you of his decision in rela...
I have made a new request - I would appreciate follows as it is a big help a...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?