Australian Electoral Commission

Part of the Finance portfolio and a Federal authority, also called AEC

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process.

82 requests
Request for Correspondence
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to Andorra Loom on .


Our reference: LEX3512   Dear Andorra Loom   Your requests for documents   I refer to our below correspondence dated 13 December 2022.  ...
Our reference: LEX3513   Dear Andorra Loom   Your requests for documents   I refer to our below correspondence dated 13 December 2022.  ...
Dear Andrew   I refer to your request dated for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.   I attach a letter to you date...
Actions of man
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to i: a man; Shaun on .

Information not held.

Dear Shaun,   Thank you for your email.   The Australian Electoral Commission’s role is to conduct federal elections and manage the electoral...
ATL & BTL Voting
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to Jocelyn Jacob on .

Information not held.

Dear Jocelyn,   Voters can choose to vote along party lines (above the line) in the order of your choice, or for individuals (below the line) in t...
The request was not taken to be valid under the FOI Act.
Dear Mr Easton I am writing to in relation to your email of 24 January 2018 11:44 PM in which you make a purported request under the [1]Freedom of I...
Benno Rice Right to Know Organisation Dear Mr Rice I refer to your email dated 5 August 2017 3:34 AM to the Australian Electoral Commission (‘AEC...
Thanks for providing a determination to this request combined with my similar request regarding the Victoria Division of the Liberal Party of Austra...
Thanks for your record-breaking determination on my recent FoI requests. I had mistakenly assumed that registers of membership of political parties...
Sarah McAndrew Right to Know Organisation Dear Ms McAndrew I refer to your email dated 21 June 2017 8:35 AM to the Australian Electoral Commissio...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Bowman I refer to your email of 18 September 2016 4:39 PM, to the AEC in which you request (your ‘Internal Review Request’) a...
You should appeal. The reasons given for this being against the public interest seem very weak. Some of this strikes me as very dubious: “The effe...
                UNCLASSIFIED Dear Dr Bell I refer to your 5 July 2016 11:16 AM to the Australian Electoral Commission (‘AEC’) in which you request...
For-Official-Use-Only Dear Mr Bagshaw   I refer to I refer to your email of 1 December 2015  making a request for the release of information fro...
Who owns the right to vote
Request to Australian Electoral Commission by Sophia Wrightman. Annotated by AMartin on .

Information not held.

check out what happened with Arjay Martin and the AEC last election -
Well that's not an internal review!
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Ms Wonsack I refer to your email of 21 July 2014 3:12 AM in which you request (‘FOI Request’) documents and correspondence in re...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Fairless I refer to your emails dated 17 July 2014 4:42 PM in which you respectively request (‘FOI Request’) for access to do...
Documents informing the response to Senate Order 330
Follow up sent to Australian Electoral Commission by Brendan Molloy on .

Information not held.

Thanks for the reply. I am satisfied with the response, albeit completely flabbergasted. -- Regards, Brendan Molloy President Pirate Party Au...
Attachment B to LS4944
Request to Australian Electoral Commission by Michael Cordover. Annotated by Michael Cordover on .


The AEC has provided me with a copy of this attachment B as part of the AAT process. A transcript of it is available at
I've set up a microsite to host all the documentation associated with this request as it progresses through IC review. All the latest details can be fo...
@Locutus Sum I Believe the request is for a useable and accessible format. Some people have problems with sight or comprehension. Images of a scanned...
For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Wrightman I refer to your email dated 19 December 2013 4:08 PM in which you make the above FOI Request. I enclose...
Agreed on terms for not voting penalties
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to Sophia Wrightman on .

Information not held.

For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Wrightman The obligations contained in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 have been in place since 1924. There is no b...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?